Self-Esteem & Ego: Free Help

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Self-Esteem & Ego Issues: Free reading material on self-esteem, ego, and the nature of the self is collected here for life improvement.

3 Related Topics or Sections

  • Self-esteem negates your soul by taking its place.

Self-esteem steals souls.

  • Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.

Ego & Mind Your Ego book cover

 1. Ego Issues & Topics: Free Information

  • Ego will help you to recognize, remove, and replace your ego: a.k.a. self-esteem.

“Self-esteem is the modern name for ego, for the delusion that is at the core of all misery.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice

  1. 2 Kinds of Ego Disturbance & Comfort
  2. 3 Steps to Creating Ego
  3. 5 Ego Problems Contain Most Problems
  4. 5 Step Solution to Ego
  5. 7 Steps to Freedom
  6. Animated & Emotionalized Thoughts
  7. Attachment & Detachment
  8. Becoming Is the Enemy
  9. Being Mind As Inner Container
  10. Better Half of Ego Is Pride
  11. Buddha Failed in Many Ways
  12. Buddhism & Personality Styles
  13. Cause of Suffering
  14. Container, Not Contents
  15. Daily Dose of Discernment: Self-Talk Collection
  16. Danger: Psychological
  17. Destruction & Covering
  18. Diagram: Model of the Self
  19. Dilemma of Ego & Duality
  20. Doing & Rest
  21. Ego & Self-Esteem: Fast-Facts
  22. Ego Definitions: Same As Self-Esteem Definitions
  23. Ego Maintained by Thinking: Table
  24. Ego Maintains Fights
  25. Faith & Ego
  26. Fast-Facts on Ego & Self-Esteem
  27. Find Self: How to
  28. Find Self as Your Host Nature
  29. Five Actions of Ego
  30. Five Functions & Parts of Self
  31. Four Kinds of Ego
  32. “I” & Right Attachment
  33. Identity & Ego
  34. Know-Better Payoffs for Pride
  35. Fast-Facts on Ego & Self-Esteem
  36. Mind & Ego
  37. Morning Reading
  38. Nine Fundamental Thinking Errors
  39. No Ego Pain, No Fear for Self
  40. Oneness: Self Is One & Ego Is Many
  41. Original Nature Is Child Nature
  42. Payoffs for Ego
  43. Plans from the book Mind Your Ego
  44. Pleasure & Pain for Ego
  45. Political Polarization Is a Form of Ego Polarization
  46. Pride Half of Ego
  47. Problem of Pleasure
  48. Psychological Time
  49. Quotations on Ego & Becoming
  50. Self Is Relation to Experience
  51. Self Is Safe
  52. Self Is Single
  53. Self: Model of
  54. Self-Talk: Negate It
  55. Shame Half of Ego
  56. Shoulds = Pride Payoff
  57. Tripartite Nature of Ego
  58. Tripartite Structure of Ego
  59. Waiting Is the Answer
  60. Waiting Spiritual Practice in 3 Steps
  61. Worry As Ego Payoffs
  62. Worse Half of Ego

Related Pages of Free Information

  1. Blame: Damning, Attachment & Detachment
  2. Blame Issues: Damning, Shoulds & Ego
  3. Non-Doing, Rest, & Return: List Pages
  4. Poems by Topic: Be Me
  5. Poems by Topic: Reflections
  6. Poems by Topic: Somebody Please
  7. Poems by Topic: List Pages
  8. Quotations: Ego & Becoming
  9. Scripture Topic: Ego
  10. Scripture Topic: Flesh Nature
  11. Scripture Topic: Inner Quietude
  12. Scripture Topic: Original Nature
  13. Scripture Topic: Rest
  14. Scripture Topic: Vessel Nature
  15. Self-Nature: 5 Main Spiritual Failures
  16. Self-Esteem: Freud’s Ego Defenses
  17. Self-Esteem Issues: High in Low
  18. Self-Esteem Issues: List Pages
  19. Thinking Skills: Eastern Psychology
  20. Thinking Skills: Know, Do, Be Thinking
  21. Thinking Skills: Meditation Right Kind
  22. Thinking Skills: Spirituality: What is it?
  23. Thinking Testing: List Pages

  • Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.

Ego & Mind Your Ego book cover

2. Self-Esteem Issues & Topics: Free Information

  • Ego will help you to recognize, remove, and replace your ego: a.k.a. self-esteem.

“I am a being, not a thinking.” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice

“Self-Esteem Steals Souls!—Save Self—Stop Self-Esteem!” —Kevin Everett FitzMaurice

  1. 3 Tests Show Self-Esteem Insane
  2. 5 Ego Problems Contain Most Problems
  3. 5 Moods of Self-Esteem & Ego (5TP)
  4. 5 Step Solution to Self-Esteem
  5. 10 Questions End Self-Esteem Games
  6. Are You a Being or an Experience?
  7. Definitions of Self-Esteem
  8. Desire: Attachment to Desire Problem, Not Desire
  9. Detachment & Identity
  10. Fast-Facts on Ego & Self-Esteem
  11. Fifty Arguments: I Am Not Feelings
  12. Fifty Arguments: I Am Not Behaviors
  13. Fifty Arguments: I Am Not Thoughts
  14. Four Main Insane Beliefs of Self-Esteem
  15. Freud’s Ego Defenses & Self-Esteem
  16. High Self-Esteem in Low Self-Esteem
  17. Inner Adversary’s Right & Left Hands
  18. Is a Human Being Only Their Behaviors?
  19. Knowing Self As Something
  20. Fast-Facts on Ego & Self-Esteem
  21. Nine Fundamental Thinking Errors
  22. Object Relations & Self-Esteem
  23. One Human Nature: Quotations
  24. Quotations on Self-Esteem
  25. Scripture Topic: Self-Esteem
  26. Self: Model of
  27. Self-Esteem & Ego: Fast-Facts
  28. Self-Esteem & REBT: (External Link to YouTube)
  29. Self-Talk: How to Test for Ego
  30. Self-Talk: Insane-Talk
  31. Shame Half of Ego
  32. Suffering Defined & Explained
  33. Thinking Working on Thinking Fails
  34. Twelve Reasons Self-Esteem Ends Self
  35. Twenty-Five Reasons Not Self-Ratings
  36. Twenty Wacky Beliefs of Self-Esteem
  37. Unconditional Self-Esteem (USE): Defined
  38. (USE), (UOE), (ULE) & (UAE): Examples
  39. Unconditional Self-Esteem (USE), (UOE), (ULE) & (UAE): Reasons
  40. Universality (one human nature): Way of Peace
  41. What Is Self-esteem? One Sentence Definitions

Related Pages of Free Information

  1. Blame Issues: Damning, Shoulds & Ego
  2. Ego Issues: Becoming Is the Enemy
  3. Ego Issues: List Pages
  4. Ego Issues: Shoulds = Pride Payoff
  5. Non-Doing, Rest & Return: List Pages
  6. Self-Nature Issues: List Pages
  7. “The Myth of Self-Esteem” by Albert Ellis
  8. Thinking Testing: List Pages

  • Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.

Ego & Mind Your Ego book cover

 3. Self-Nature Issues & Topics: Free Information

  • Ego will help you to recognize, remove, and replace your ego: a.k.a. self-esteem.

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” —Dr. Seuss

  1. 3 Duties of Self-Realization
  2. 3 Errors & 4 Solutions
  3. 3 Main Spiritual Issues
  4. 3Rs & Flow Recapturing
  5. 5 Keys of Spirituality
  6. 5 Main Spiritual Failures
  7. 12 Steps of Human Psychology
  8. Are You a Being or an Experience?
  9. Attachment & Detachment
  10. Becoming Is the Enemy
  11. Being & Mind
  12. Buddha Failed
  13. Buddhism & Personality Styles
  14. Cause of Suffering
  15. Container, Not Contents
  16. Danger: Psychological
  17. Destruction & Covering
  18. Doing & Rest
  19. Fast-Facts on Ego & Self-Esteem
  20. Find Self
  21. Find Your Host Nature
  22. Five Functions & Parts of Self
  23. Focus on 3 Truths for Right Identity
  24. “I” & Right Attachment
  25. Know, Do, & Be to Live
  26. Knowing Self As Something
  27. Memes (Fast-Facts) on Ego & Self-Esteem
  28. Nature of Ego Pain & Pleasure
  29. No Psychological Actions
  30. Oneness
  31. Original Nature
  32. Praying Issues: Morning Reading
  33. Problem of Pleasure
  34. Psychological Time
  35. Roles As Masks
  36. Scripture: Ego Is Problem
  37. Scripture: Human Equality
  38. Scripture: Flesh Nature Is Human Nature
  39. Scripture: Good People Are Bad People
  40. Scripture: Inner Quietude & Peace
  41. Scripture: Man Made in Image of God
  42. Scripture Topic: Non-Doing
  43. Scripture: Original Human Nature
  44. Scripture Topic: Pride Is Problem
  45. Scripture: Self Nature Is Image of God
  46. Scripture: One Human Nature
  47. Scripture: Our Vessel Nature
  48. Self: Model of
  49. Self Is Emptiness
  50. Self Is Not Observer
  51. Self Is Relation to Experience
  52. Self Is Safe
  53. Self Is Single
  54. Self-Esteem & Ego: Fast-Facts
  55. Self-Talk: Insights from Daily Dose (3D)
  56. Self-Talk: Negate It
  57. Stimulation As Motivation
  58. The Three Stooges & Failure
  59. Twenty-Five Reasons Not Self-Ratings
  60. Universality (one human nature): Way of Peace
  61. Will & Choice

Related Pages of Free Information

  1. Ego Issues: List Pages
  2. Non-Doing, Rest & Return: List Pages
  3. Self-Esteem Issues: List Pages
  4. Meditation: List Pages

  • Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.

Ego & Mind Your Ego book cover

6 Groups of Topics Menu

  • Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.

Ego & Mind Your Ego book cover

  • Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.


  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for your feelings and stress.


10 Skills & Topics Menu

  • Read and discover how CBT, REBT, & Stoicism evolved into one system: STPHFR.


  • Read and discover the world’s best breathing exercise for your feelings and stress.

Breathe Your Mind book cover

  • Read and discover the best system and plan to reduce and remove your ego.

Ego & Mind Your Ego book cover